This a Weather web-app which showcases Temperature, Wind Speed, Humidity and many more interesting stuffs!!. TechStack used: HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript ReactJS
A website where you can edit your inputed text |TechStack : HTML5 CSS3 JS|
This is a tour booking Website, where the user can search about their favourite destinations and book for a holiday. TechStack used: HTML5, CSS3 JavaScript
A go to Calculator for your daily usage |TechStack : HTML5 CSS3 JS|
A Web-App where you can add and track all your daily goals. TechStack used: Reactjs CSS3
A website which checks whether a year is leap year or not |TechStack : HTML5 CSS3 JS|
A Web-App where you can add and track all your daily goals. TechStack used: HTML5 CSS3 JS
This is a quiz based on Java Programming language. TechStack used: JavaScript
A Web-App where you can add and track all your daily goals. TechStack used: ReactJS CSS3